Baroque rankų darbo perlų vėrinys – puiki investicija, kuri visada bus madinga, išskirtinė ir lengvai priderinama. Pirkinys visam gyvenimui. Visų didžiųjų mados namų mėgstamiausia, tikrai nesunkiai priderinama prie įvairaus garderobo. .
Medžiaga: barokiniai perlai, , nerūdijančio plieno ir auksu dengtos sidabro detalės
Ilgis: apie 40 cm, 42cm arba 45cm.
Jei reikia kito Jums reikiamo ilgio - pasiskambinkime +37064694495
The most outstanding jewelry. Not only is the price and quality great but also customer service. I think that each future customer of yours will be satisfied.
Sandra Bovšytė-Dagelienė
High-quality, beautiful and cute jewelry. Great communication and customer service of the staff.
Ieva Laurinavičiūtė
All pieces of jewelry are of excellent quality. Attention to the customer deserves praise: a quick, warm, and pleasant customer service even at midnight when the questions start popping in your head. Code.M is worthy of the most beautiful words from me!
Agnė Leonavičiūtė
I have bought more than two pieces of jewelry at your store: quality, design, packaging, and overall realization of them are superb! I will definitely return to your store more than once.